Welcome to our newest blog, morethanclicks.
(did I hear just a groan.....yet another useless blog out there in cyberspace, you say?)
This site is the result of many people over the years asking us for the "tips" and "tricks" it takes to be successful online. And this seemingly simple question is the single reason why this blog exists....as first of all, success is very subjective. And regarding the tips and tricks..... well, that's why you are reading, right? Because it really does take more than clicks to be successful nowadays!
Through this blog, our purpose is to provide you the insight (aka tips and tricks) and inspiration to help you maximize the power of the internet, and achieve whatever your online goals may be.
Our success is the by-product of much trial and error, paying attention to what doesn't work, and trying to remembering what does (large doses of caffeine helps). Then we must be able to combine this experience with the business case to produce measurable positive business results and help our different and varied businesses succeed. Hmmmm.....this actually sounds like jargonistic, internet double talk...
If this doesn't strike you as rocket science but simply common-sense based business decisions.......well, then you are exactly right. But given the fact that we actually apply it every day to get results, then perhaps you will trust us from an insider's point of view that we really do know some of the things that work on the internet.
Good luck, thanks in advance for reading morethanclicks, and we hope you will enjoy learning a few "tips" and "tricks" to help you achieve online business success. And feel free to share your stories, questions or comments too - we like participation!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Are You Kidding Me - Is This Another Useless Blog?